
To use some features of the Florida Highway Patrol department, you require qualifications earned in specialised trainings which are listed bellow.

Undercover Qualification

We allow specific people to use undercover vehicles, this means that we can perform tasks un-noticed making it much easier to hunt down wanted suspects.


Becoming undercover allows for you to use your vehicle as an undercover task unit and you can use civilian clothes when on special operations authorised by HICOM.


While using an undercover vehicle, you must:

  • Use at least 1 antenna.

  • Wear duty uniform (unless told otherwise).

  • Only use vehicles you are authorised for.


  • Corporal+

  • Space(s) open

Long Gun Qualification

You cannot just start using your long gun straight away, you must have a qualification to do so as it can be dangerous to use.


Becoming long gun trained means that you are able to use a long gun during shootouts or code 5 stops, this allows for greater firepower and capacity.


While using a long gun, you must:

  • Have your long gun in your trunk (pistol as sidearm).

  • Only use the long gun when necessary.

  • Lead other officers when pushing or breaching.


  • Corporal+

Last updated