What To Carry

Obviously you cannot go on duty alone, you will need a few things to help you out a little. Here is what you are required to use while on duty with page links connected.

Lethal And Non Lethal

We are not going to let you go on duty without something to protect yourself with, you will need some things to keep yourself alive when things turn for the worst.


You may end up in a gun fight while on duty, so it is important to carry something with you to fight back, you can find a full list of guns on the guns page.

All troopers must have a pistol on them or in their vehicle at all times, this includes any of the following:

  • Glock 17

  • Shield 9

  • FN Five-Seven

  • Sauer P226

Troopers with the Long Gun Qualification may carry any of the following in their trunk:

  • M4A1

  • MP5

  • G36C

The Taser

One of the most important tools to have while chasing down criminals is the taser, it allows for a quick stop from long range and stuns the receiver for a few seconds. It works by shooting 2 electrified rods at a suspect and flooding them with electricity.

All troopers must carry a taser on them at all times, this is so that you can chase a suspect down from a safe distance and stop them safely.

Other Tools

There are other tools that are useful for taking down a suspect, these include.

The Beanbag Shotgun

The beanbag shotgun is a great weapon for taking down suspects at range without hurting them (too much), it is a simple but effective weapon and can be used by anyone.

The Pepper Spray

A common tool used for taking down suspects while temporarily blinding them, this allows for a swift arrest all while your suspect cannot see what is going on.



Cones are one of the most used items on the road, they are used to mark of an area that should not be entered.

While patrolling, you must use cones to block of a lane where there is an incident or to block of an area of a crime scene such as a robbery.


Have a hard time seeing the cones in front of you? Warn other drivers of danger by placing flares where necessary, this lights up the surrounding area and glows a bright red.

However, they are only effective at night and should only be used where it is dangerous to be out on the road such as the highway or ramps.

Stop Stick

How would you stop a pursuit? Well one way is to use stop sticks, just place them down in front of a suspect vehicle and watch as the tires go pop, making your just so much easier.

Police Barricade

Cones are not always enough in busy areas, make your scene visible to everyone passing by by placing down some police barricades which tell drivers and civilians that that area is for you only.

Crowd Fence

If you spot a crowd near your scene or disrupting the local area, place down some crowd fences to keep civilians back and protect the area that you are working in.

Police Tape

if you have a large area to close off, it is not a bright idea to cover the whole thing in crowd fences, instead place some cones down, connected by police tape to create a makeshift fence which clearly labels your crime scene.


  • Evidence Markers - Mark evidence such as broken glass and bullet casings.

  • Safety Rope - DO NOT USE

Last updated